
Nonoka Akamori

Nonoka Akamori | Crystal | Mateus
Age: 29

A skilled weaver, former arcanist, and red mage in-training.


Currently residing in the Ethereal Athenaeum, a library whose owner kindly gave her room and board.


Although born in the Far East, Nonoka has made it her goal to help the people of the Shroud. Doing whatever she can to use her abilities as either an arcanist or further along her training as a red mage in the day, and cleaning her home and workplace at night.

What Color?


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The Hair

Nonoka's hair is a raven black color and usually unkempt, or, at least styled in a multitude of directions at once and kept short. It took many years for Nonoka to find a hairstyle she was happy with, and it seems she finally found one.

The Eyes

Nonoka is a victim of heterochromia. She was born always with her eyes two differing colors from each other, her left one blue and her right a deep purple.

The Fashion

Nonoka is almost ALWAYS wearing red. It's her favorite color and she's proud to make it known through her clothes. Usually mixing Hingan clothes with Eorzean style, she can be found in an array of outfits, all with some differing style. Her most favorite outfit, however, being a mix of Hingan and Hannish weave, wearing a black, sleeveless shirt and matching pants with a purple cloth and gold chain wrapped around her waist, and donning black and purple sandals on her feet.

The Sword

Nonoka is usually found wielding the same rapier along her hip. There wasn't really anything special about this rapier, it did what all rapiers did, swing and lunge. However, ever since she learned of red magic, Nonoka became attached to her constant weapon, thus, she named the rapier Shinku Tetsu.The other "weapons" one might see on Nonoka are an assortment of tomes with different notes and geometrical shapes written on them for her abilities as an arcanist.


Nonoka is usually hardworking. The only times when she slacks off being when she's lost in thought or at a loss for what she could do.During most days, she goes around the Shroud along the back of her red-feathered chocobo, Suki. She looks for people to help, from the simplest tasks to anything that might involve small mercenary work so long as it's in the Shroud. She's always kind to others, rarely ever getting mad and quite often does as she's asked, even if she prefers not to.When she feels she owes someone a favor, Nonoka makes sure to do all she can for someone until they dismiss her. Else she feels indebted to someone and that she's not working hard enough to show her thanks. This can sometimes come off as annoying depending on who she's thankful to and what they've done. Her gratitude is what got her into red magic, after all.At night, when she's awake, at least, Nonoka can be found cleaning her home. Sweeping, scrubbing, mopping, dusting, she will do it all, sometimes even working herself to the point of collapsing on the floor! When she's not doing any work at all, Nonoka has been known to take up a book, preferably written in the Hingan language, and read quietly.

In the Beginning...

Nonoka was born as the second daughter to a family of weavers making and trading clothes and fabrics from Kugane. At a young age, and quite predictably, Nonoka took an interest in her family's business, learning to weave clothes first by helping her mother and later designing clothes to help her family. For years, Nonoka was happy with her life as a weaver, however, a bit of unnecessary jealousy eventually lead to Nonoka's downfall.Believing her sister to be the better weaver of her family, Nonoka was jealous of the sister she thought she was living in the shadow of. Because of this, Nonoko one day sought out foreign customers willing to buy from her. After learning of a group of sailors seeking a uniform, Nonoka eagerly sought these sailors out, willing to appease their requests. For two years, Nonoka made clothes and fabrics for these sailors, believing them honest men and women seeking to bring her cloth and designs across the world. However, after a trade she was to make, Nonoka discovered her buyers were in fact pirates!

In Retaliation...

Nonoka naively confronted her business partners, demanding to know what they were up to and refusing to sell to them any more! However, in her naivete, Nonoka found herself kidnapped by the pirates, forced to continue her work against her will and suffer at the hands of the pirates. This experience lasted for about a week, when, after her kidnappers docked not far from Aleport, Nonoka was saved by a short elezen!Calling himself Kirtis Delarouge, Nonoka's savior happened upon her while infiltrating the ship of her kidnappers. Upon learning her story, the red mage broke her out and, after some pestering and insisting she owed much to her savior, he taught Nonoka of what he knew as a red mage. After quite some time learning from Kirtis, Nonoka was given the chance to return to Hingashi with him, however, it was then, Nonoka realized she believed herself a disgrace to her family for her decisions.Scared to return home and face her family, Nonoka remained on Eorzea, seeking to further her skills as a red mage further on her own.

A Dragon's Sensei?

More recently in Nonoka's history, after getting a request from an Elezen in Coerthas for some clothes, Nonoka made a delivery to the cold, awful, no good land of Coerthas. While her trip wasn't awful, on her way back home, the Hingan woman found herself being followed by a small dragon. It wasn't until she was almost home that she confronted the dragon who had followed her all the way to the Shroud. Since then, she had acquired her young weaver apprentice, Teh Hess, a happy, young dragon seeking to clothe the dragons of Dravania using what skills Nonoka can teach her.

Hooks & Additional Info

- Nonoka is a weaver by trade, she'll offer to make clothes for anyone who asks.- Nonoka travels the Shroud in search of work all the time. From menial tasks to mercenary work, one might recognize her as some form of adventurer at least around the Shroud.- The Ethereal Athenaeum is where Nonoka works Saturday nights and every other night cleaning. One could easily find her there either cleaning or helping visitors.